Sunday, January 23, 2011

Gloucester 19' Sailboat

"Getting married is always around to caress, a gesture of illiberté"

In No. 288 of 15 April 1901, La Plume launched an "inquiry into marriage" with "different artistic personalities, literary and political," reads:
the issue of marriage is, in France, high and nearly tragic events, both because of the many social problems related to it as individual and unmerited misfortunes of daily more frequent. This question can not remain indifferent to any besides those who care about the future of our race.
It therefore seemed interesting - and useful - to we send to people who have a certain influence over minds, either by their works, either by their situation and ask them
1 ° Their views on marriage as practiced in France at present.
2 ° What are the reforms that seem more urgent and more feasible.
3 ° If the Marriage, that is to say, legalized the union of man and woman is essential for the proper functioning of society and, consequently if we can anticipate or if we should wish the advent of free Union, that is to say the EU has no other rule that two wills of the agreement and requiring no dedication to law.
The response of Saint-Pol-Roux appeared in the next delivery from 1 May 1901 (p. 300). Here it is:
He does point that the Revolution has changed much about the wedding section. Getting married is always around to caress, a gesture of illiberté. Parque law spouses in the alcove as a square of surveillance, and it seems that a lot of people dress and wig is considered the nuptial couch, mayor, priest, notary - it does lack the apothecary, but it will come - and that these people back the right to direct the object . Everyone ran for it did not seem to love the quiet and as regimental advance for future products. A clean sweep when the cons of these troublemakers epithalamium which, once set, reappear condensed keeper?

Not surprisingly, the humor of this vividly imaginative response. And no more of his anarchism. While the poet is there freedom in its magnificence. Remember when he lived for twenty years common-law with Amelie Bélorgey. Saint-Pol-Roux marry "the mother of [his] little ones" that two years later, February 5, 1903, as mayor of the eleventh arrondissement. However, do not see in this a denial of late marriage beliefs expressed in La Plume. The poet was, in some ways forced to rectify the situation. Marseille by his family, pretty conservative, first, by his desire to settle permanently in Britain, in his very Catholic and traditional end-of-world, and to integrate this population he learned to love and he wanted to shock. A letter to Peter Decourcelle tells us, in fact, that Roscanvel should ignore this common-law welcomed their village for five years: "We leave shortly, we have come to Paris to marry to avoid unnecessary chatter small town Britain". Also friends Roscanvel, Camaret, Brest, do not they were invited to the wedding.


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