Today is Sunday. And who said on Sunday, said "writing workshop" in Gwen . And here are the instructions for today:
If some of you are familiar with the issue Of The Mind Papuans, they have heard of alliterative suites. Kesako? The alliteration is an effect produced by repeated use in a sentence, the same sound. In a later alliterative, he is abusing the process. Here, for example, the beginning of a series of alliterative " credit" , written by Dominique Muller:
"Crénom! What a moron, this creature! This is not the Holy Chrism is the caul! Quick, put ide cream, but skimmed, "he decreed to said creature, creamer of her condition, and united by the sacred bond of marriage and the creamery to master decrepit places. She notched bodice crepe, protests, secretly, his belief rooted in the earthy sweetness of twilight Creole ...
I offer this Sunday, to write your turn, a continuation alliterative, with the maximum of his "ace " in your text where it will be compulsory ... the word "scorpion", this beautiful fish that is now used for illustrative ... (between 15 and 50 lines, approximately).
Very little inspired (yes, it happens), I struggled to write a few lines. But I decided to play the game without cheating. And here is what it gave:
Like a fish in the net
She stared without seeing the gourd hanging on the terrace. His past came back to him, the haunted, the weary. She saw the cafe terrace, opposite the rose window of the church on the site. She finished her cup of tea he had arrived, and for a fleeting moment, she thought he had found his place.
Like an asteroid, he chased everything that made its world, doing hands on it, its present and its future.
He had had it escaped. Oh, she had initially faced. But he grabbed her hair, had been trapped in his net like a scorpion, while calling her lazy, whore and bitch.
face of such baseness, she had caught bass that sat in the living room, and had smashed in his face, breaking his nose in the mirror.
She was finally returned to earth, determined to erase all traces.
Amelie Platz, February 6, 2011
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