Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wedding Congratulations Messages Spiritual

The cake

Today Gwen celebrates his wedding anniversary. 18! Hats off, lady! And so, today's theme for the workshop is ... Marriage!
So I started.

I worked with was love. It shaped me by putting his whole heart, and I'm perfect in his eyes, with an exceptional scale capable of performing the ease of hundred wedding guests.
I am the highlight of the festival, the fireworks must finish the evening off and let the guests a lasting memory. Moreover, as a trophy, I throne in a room with the glass wall is a vow of married, so all can admire me.
And no one denies it, you can believe me!

By early evening, when the pastry dropped me here, I really felt how proud he was. Proud of me, his work, but also him. The newlyweds are important people, and he is the new pastry chef of the village, which was chosen for the dessert of marriage! What an honor it is for him ... I can not disappoint, and I'm perfect. It will be noticed, parents married, the notables of the town, talk to him soon, will advise their influential friends for their receptions in the "world", and his case "take off" at last.
But children already crowded behind the glass. They are all beautiful in their costumes custom-matched. The girls wear pretty dresses beige with touches of pink on a shirt spotless, and the boys of the same beige shorts, a white shirt and a rose in his buttonhole. They are stylish! Among younger women, the pink of course, already gone. But the point is that the pictures are successful. After all, what remains once the day is over. It is for this reason that the photographer had all gathered before the ceremony: the picture should be perfect!
The faces gaze at me are pretty, chubby, pink and gays. The innocence of childhood is extraordinary. They play, laugh seeing me, rejoicing in advance to be able to eat my cream puffs and brittle that covers them. They are happy to meet, play together and share this beautiful day. I do not know their names, but it seems that some are brothers and sisters, while others might be their cousins. I see one, moreover, that seems different, despite the same "uniform". He stands back, almost to the side, it looks like ... Could it be that he does not know ? It is impossible to suggest that clothing is part of the same family, they are all children of honor that form the procession accompanying the bride enters the church, in large and wealthy families of our campaigns. And this similarity with the other ... the family resemblance is obvious. Ah! Here's a lady who comes! How beautiful! And what grace, what class! I'm not falling into a low-end marriage, me! What beautiful people! She wears a hat very original which look great. She saw me and looked at me with a big smile and gentle. And here is a very elegant man also approaching her. It beckons children to get back into the room and ... Oh! The young woman .... her pretty smile has disappeared! It's strange. I suddenly feel it is sad ... no! It is the fear that I feel! An indescribable fear, violent and deaf. It's almost the terror that suddenly this ugly face so charming a few seconds ago ... What secret hides this man, what's so afraid of his wife? It seems paralyzed ... The man puts his hand on his arm to lead him, and I do not think I was mistaken: it is a start of fear that I have seen. She mastery yet exceptionally well. She has already regained her smile, its maintenance and class. She takes the man's arm and walks away from me, not without me cast a last look. My God! As he changed from that which it had arrived! This is an unfathomable sadness, as if a chasm had opened before her and she had no choice but to dive ... They have already left. The child, who was away, also witnessed the scene. He said nothing, not a gesture. It is different and I feel that he understood everything. But understand what?

Another woman approaches. She walks toward him, wants take by the hand, but the child presses against her. The woman was about thirty years, his clothes are more arbitrary than the woman who just left, but their simplicity can not hide the grace and poise of this woman who just imposes his presence. An immense sadness tarnishes his handsome face, accentuating the strange resemblance to the other woman. Yet there is in it an extra something that I can not define. They could be twins ... A man in a suit very easy, simple and unadorned, reaches behind her and puts his hands on his shoulders. It seems to be suffering, empathize with the pain of what must be his wife. He looks strong, sturdy, and supports a time. I sense hesitation, then she takes it too. His face hardens, it adjusts the collar of his shirt and puts into place a bit rebellious. It suspended its actions for a moment, his eyes staring at the floor, then raises his head. His face is impassive now determined. She takes the hand of the child, the other goes under the arm of her husband and the little family returned to the room of the festivities. They did not say a word. Without doubt they had already said enough before.

A little later, I have the pleasant surprise of seeing the bride leave the room. She is beautiful, charming even, and spirited. A new life is being started for her, and she seems very happy, very fulfilled. It looks like two drops of water to the two women I've already seen earlier. No doubt what their younger sister: she has the same grace, the same distinction that the same soft look and happiness and peace which is the spotless bride. She approaches the window and I gaze a moment with her big bright eyes and generous. They smile, like her, before this promising life ahead. The personality of the couple suggests a comfortable life: she is the daughter of a noble-born doctor, recognized. It's a real size in the field of practice, an eminent specialist in nervous and mental diseases, married the daughter of an aristocrat in the region.
The groom, he is the son of an industrialist who made his fortune and went into politics, supported by his wife, daughter of a general of the Second World War. He was a hero who gave his children a strong sense of patriotism. They live a house about ten minutes drive from town.
The bride has the flashing eyes, she is beaming with happiness and his marriage is in the best auspices. She made a few dance steps in front of me, twirling in front of amused and softened the cook who looks for a few moments, then she will join her guests who are waiting in the hall where the meal will be served as soon as it joined her young husband.

The waitresses have finally started their ballet. They range from the office to the room, passing me, arms bearing trays of delicacies and baskets full of small breads. The waiter also came in the room with a bottle of wine, and it will stop most of the evening, going without probably from one table to another, constantly filling the glasses of the guests.
Two young girls dressed in service come sit by my window, on the chairs once occupied by two old ladies chic who have since joined the room with other guests. They seem to wait until the guests have cleared their plates and enjoy this little time to chat.
"Whew, we're going ... ... still for ten minutes?" Said one smiling.
- Yeah, well, I'm not comfortable, if you want know everything!
- Shhh! You know you have nothing to say! We did our job, that's all!
- but still! You know me how it works and what will happen to her!
- Yes, but please, shut up! If the "old" surprises us, we got fired illico both!
- Rhâââ! It infuriates me! When I think of this pauv'fille! You know, I knew in college, she was so nice ... I'm really scared of it ...
- Shhh! That's the groom! Arise! "

And here. They are distributed to grind, and I do not understand anything. It's a wedding, right? It looks like a funeral ...
And he is the groom?
Finally, I see! He's tall, he wears a rich and beautiful plain linen suit, he has class, attentiveness, as the young woman he married. He immediately impresses. If I were a woman, I'd probably be delighted with the way he looks at me! It's a nice man, very young, I think he said. It must be about twenty-five years, much more. It has a sweet face, bright, beaming. He looks happy, and that's the least the day we got married! It is indeed strange now that I think. This contrasts with the two young women earlier ... As if they knew something they know. And it's his wedding!
A woman of a certain age is out of the ballroom. She approaches the groom, she is radiant, visibly very happy. She adjusts the bow of the young man gives up his jacket and dusts. It looks like any mother who married her son. His second son. Because I have already met the eldest, I think. Yes, it is unmistakably the man who was so frightened the older sister of the bride earlier. It does not look like the groom, whose face is much smoother, but to his mother. This woman, despite its efforts, resembles a dragon. His face is hard, cruel. It will swallow up its second stepdaughter as she extinguished the life of the first, obviously.
His eyes say lust and joy unhealthy face the son she married. Another stepdaughter, soon grandchildren, and a slave over the family castle. Because it is obvious that, like its predecessor, the bride will have no choice but to submit to the will of his stepmother.
Until death do us part.

Amelie Platz, February 20, 2011


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