Gwen is definitely someone who is beyond imagination when it comes to torture us brains to write a few lines. He was now writing a cookbook by creating a dish that does not exist.
For me who am neither cook (I need some recipes for success in something edible out of my pan) or in a state of my brain to work properly today, I was very annoyed when I discovered this workshop.
especially since Gwen had already published a number of "recipes", all more committed, intelligent and interesting than others. But also very dark. I wanted to write something lighter, which touched me personally.
Those of my readers who know me know that some couple is my hobby (one of my hobbies instead), so I decided to write about it.
Here's what it gave:
Menu "For a Lifetime"
Soup "smoke and mirrors ; '
- a young woman
- fars shadow, blush, mascara and other items (makeup, what)
- creams, perfume
- beautiful dress and shoes and matching handbag
- much freedom
Preparation time:
- few hours
Realization :
- Take a beautiful young woman or girl (not too young still, it must be somewhat greater). Attention, the choice of the young woman is fundamental: if you choose too young, she will not have enough bite or flavor. Indeed, to some extent, the more the young woman lived, the more interesting gustatorily speaking: it is experience that gives it its salt. Any additions later, during cooking, for example, is unnecessary if you were able to choose the point.
- Prepare the young woman. It must be well dressed, but does not bridle his movements must be able to stay loose and free. Besides, at this stage of the recipe, it can still prepare itself, which makes quite a difference. These preliminary preparations are in fact the whole point of the recipe: do not hesitate to let him complete freedom. His imagination must not be restrained, let him maximum choice, and feel free to compliment her on her dress, she takes on the care of herself. She will thank you and will be even better prepared.
- Give this girl a few hours. Suggest she take the time to think about it. It may eg visit a beautician if deemed necessary. A facial for example it will be brilliant and will give its pretty velvety to your evening. Let it surprise you: his imagination has no limits regarding her attire, her outfit ...
- Once the young woman dressed, make the soup "smokescreen". It does not necessarily need you very much, and according to taste, it is possible to dress "natural" or "sophisticated." The young woman, again, may wish to do so itself (Which will simplify the work). Do not hesitate to accept this complaint: you have the joy of discovering the surprise as you have never seen before.
- a young man
- bathroom
- shower
- a little toilet water (it said "some" !)
Preparation time:
- a good half hour
- The undertaker chick is much faster to prepare than the soup. He just little in reality to be great. This is also what is practical in this inexpensive flat.
- First, take a young man, following the same instructions as for the young woman should not be too young Nor, the ideal being to select both ripening roughly equivalent.
- This dish is easily prepared at the last minute, give him a good half hour just to take a shower, put on perfume and adorn themselves. Please note, the sensitive stage is there: it absolutely must not be too much seasoning. The problem with the scents of men is that they can easily feel too much at risk of misrepresenting the totally flat, but also dangerously contaminate others (especially the soup to be served concurrently). It is therefore imperative to focus efforts on ensuring that young man sprays himself with perfume not too copiously. There is indeed nothing worse than a man who has not used or who uses perfume to mask body odor if not washed beforehand. The only advice I can give you so at this stage is either dosed with him, if this is the first time he uses, or to insist heavily on the shower first (possibly, you can catch an overflow Perfume redouchant the young man then, but guess we still have time to do, which is not necessarily the case).
- Best served in a nice romantic setting and the velvety toasted chick together. It absolutely must not allow time for the dishes to cool, it could spoil the dessert.
Kisses Chocolate
- velvety "window dressing"
- a "croque-nana"
- lot of communication
- desire important to see a relationship will continue
- a fearlessness to face inevitable conflicts
Preparation time:
- some years, preferably many, if any life (we can go up to roughly 75 years or more, until death)
- After the first meeting " thunderbolt "if the two dishes were properly prepared, it is quite possible that the soup and the croque-girl wants to do more to separate.
- This is quite normal and natural. It took the sauce did not turn, and is perfectly successful.
- It may be that from day one, kisses chocolate are served. But if this is not the case, there is no reason to worry: this may take a few days, weeks, or more than a year, depending on the mood of the young man and the young woman. It'll just wait and see how your menu changes.
- Remember to add common experiences, good communication, good agreement also between the young man and young woman (in theory they should both be alive at this stage). If evolution is fast, if you know enough to be patient, you may observe a rapprochement between the two young men, and fruit that would have originally appeared unexpected occur. These fruits are called "Baby Pink", but we do not give you the recipe today, they usually arrive after a few months or few years. Small precision when same: that these fruits may appear, it is imperative that the soup is relatively young. If he is too old, these fruits can not be born. This is to be taken into account when choosing the ingredients of the dishes.
- If the mayonnaise would tend to turn, please advise them to talk. Dialogue, communication, time spent with each other, the services they render each other small gifts, pretty words, incentives are balms that can catch many of these mayonnaise "failed , "provided we know how to use them wisely and give them time to do their work. Outside help may be beneficial, delivering them at the right temperature.
It remains for you to enjoy.
Amelie Platz, January 23, 2011
Small precision: the names of the dishes are not for me. I was looking for inspiration, I told you, so I rummaged on the Internet (it is, the Internet, you can find everything, including the inspiration for a workshop Writing of Gwen), and I found this a series of bizarre links to recipes, names more or less evocative. It is looking at this list I found my "menu." So thank you!
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