Saint-Pol-Roux, author of comic operas must confess: the early years in Paris Saint-Pol-Roux remain relatively obscure. There are, of course, the adventures known, the very ones that history has chosen Symbolism: the foundation of the first
Pleiade and collaboration at some of the little magazines, The Modernist
d 'Auria, the second Pleiade
Louis Brinn'Gaubast Pilate, which was born the Mercure de France
Alfred Vallette. But it is little. I was able to collect, not surprisingly, during my research on the poet, some small stones scattered by him between October 1882 and 1890, but not enough yet to say precisely retrace its route in the biographical modern Babylon. Here's one of those stones.
is flipping the year 1889 the Gauls
my eye was first sighted, intrigued by a snippet of "Courrier des Theatres," in p.3 No. 1 May, announcing that "Mr. Lagoanère, the new director of the Bouffes-Parisiens, [had] received a comic opera in three acts, entitled The Bride of Salamanca
, MM. St. Pol and
Jules Méry , music by Justin M.
Clérice . Although the first of these three names was amputated his patronymic appendix, the presence of friends and Clérice Mery, who are no longer totally unknown to us, certainly identified the co-author of the comic opera as St. Pol-Roux. Consultation with other newspapers should provide confirmation. While the political debate
Journal and literary (May 2) and Le Figaro
(May 1) proceeded with the same amputation, but
Press (May 3) and
Echo de Paris (May 2) mentioned "Mr. Saint-Paul Roux. Hesitation between spell "Paul" and "Pol" is interesting insofar as it would allow us to date, this time, the choice by the poet, his pseudonym final, although the computer board
Scapegoat will still signed a few weeks later, Saint-Paul Roux.
But back to our three friends and their room. Press gives a little Additional information about Justin Clerici, adding he was "a pupil of [Emile] Pessard" and "the author of Meunier Alcala, which was played over three hundred times in Lisbon, Oporto and Rio de Janeiro. Le Figaro announcement: "The play will be shown, following the Treaty in the first half of September" and the Echo de Paris more rigorous: "This piece must go to September 10." Unfortunately, no comic opera entitled The Bride of Salamanca was not shown, despite its receipt, the Bouffes-Parisiens, either in September or later. We note, however, that if the name of Saint-Pol-Roux program disappears from the scene for this year 1889, those two stooges are indeed there. Thus, Jules Méry appears as a co-signer, with Charles Grandmougin (prolific author Parnassian peripheries) of Figarella, comic opera in one act with music by Clerici, which premiered June 3, which underwent 30 performances. Justin Clérice also composed the score of a vaudeville-operetta in one act, Mr. Huchot , a certain Térésand Jacques, who, despite our efforts, we remain absolutely unknown. The play was given on November 3, for the first time, and enjoyed 18 performances.
Why Bride of Salamanca whose treatise seems to have been signed by the new Director of Bouffes-Parisiens she has finally been played? We can not deliver here that little game of assumptions. First recall that it is hardly surprising to find Saint-Pol-Roux author of comic opera, had he not signed a Sabalkazin , two years ago, with music by Vincent Fosse Another comic opera that was performed in Marseille and it enjoyed some success? But also recall that this 1889 Saint-Pol-Roux clearly committed in battle and Symbolist works Women in Faulx , which will become that we know, and he wants to make Hernani movement again. In this context, appear as the author of a comic opera, such as minor or considered by the avant-garde poetry has been put to Saint-Pol-Roux any case of conscience: how to reconcile the poet's lofty Scapegoat and entertaining playwright Bride of Salamanca ?
Alas, this piece is not shown, we know nothing, not even an argument. It was recycled, title changed, once the name of Saint-Pol-Roux disappeared? It might be easy (too) to see in this Figarella June 3, hence the name prodigal (too) by Charles Grandmougin replaces the original trio that of the poet, a Bride of Salamanca disguise. The facility is a temptation ... which I'll gladly, for the pleasure of overlap. Note that both titles are of a female heroine and the "F" initial find it - it does come as little surprise in a poet haunted by F emme to F garlic. The transformation could be explained Figarella by translation of geographical Salamanca Seville, since we read in this new title a thinly disguised tribute to the famous valet from Beaumarchais. Le Figaro, the newspaper, make no mistake, of course not:
" Figaro can only applaud Figarella, saucy gossip that is worthy of his daughter, although she has three fathers: MM. Grandmougin Mery and Clérice. Beaumarchais We leave in the shadows.
For his address, Figarella father decided to marry his daughter to the gallant she loves, after oust the suitors who do not like.
nice little piece, fun, music and welcome. "(June 5, 1889, p.6)
Here is a summary that could perfectly fit our Bride of Salamanca, at least that , history, failing to know more, its title hints at. Let us plug the interpretative one step further, one remembers that Figaro gives Double-Main and asked his name, with the laconic reply "Anonymous." Oh, how I like it in my delirium, thinking that by amending the title of Bride Salamanca already may be referring to the Marriage of Figaro in Figarella, modest girl's literary character in Beaumarchais, also without a "Christian name", that is to say without known sire, Saint Pol-Roux has sought to draw attention to his desire to disappear, the anonymous author of this "nice little piece, fun!
And he would then, for this hypothesis of a casual Grandmougin nominee of Saint-Pol-Roux, recall the work of many ghost writer the poet performs, with or without the faithful Jules Méry in full ascent Symbolist Decourcelle for Pierre, popular novelist and playwright. And remember the Louise Gustave Charpentier ... But that would take us too far.
Note: The illustration at the top of the ticket is extracted BASPR4 Bastit Tristan and signed.