Monday, December 6, 2010

Volume Of A 12 Ft Jon Boat

Big-trick against Scottish spy

Mike Hammer Papatam Andropov continues to blog. The news was intercepted a tennis team in Serbia that was returned by the Scottish cons-espionage. For 2 quarts, these are all faxes sent by Turkey for 350 years that have been delivered to the grantee.

We reviewed this material despite warnings. Some were predicting several centuries to overcome this material. Geiger did not count on, our Turkish-speaking student. Cafes are great, I know, Armenians are still angry that we associate the mark crescent. George Cloone can get dressed with pellets that fuck up the planet, Geiger is a crack.

First delivery tonight we repeat, Mike Hammer Papatam Andropov continues to blog. Either their computer is too rotten for someone steals or is his name that protects the axis of evil and the empire that would surely strike back against such a hypothesis. To you


image: MHPA


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