Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trellis Or Espalier Scoliosis Exercises

Impeach the President, it is possible! Interview with Grigory Perelman

In excellent post , The Cuckoo astonished impunity enjoyed by the president in our country. The worst part is that you get used to it. In an editorial World today, I was struck by " subjects" to refer to the French people ...

In there thinking well, there really is a text that could help get rid of the President: Decision No. 71-44 DC of 16 July 1971 giving constitutional value in Article 2 of the text passed August 26, 1789 (" The aim of any political association is the conservation of natural and inalienable rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, safety and resistance to oppression. )

this basis, one could imagine that a party has a candidate against the current president. It's swollen but perfectly constitutional.

The Cuckoo has thought it notes that this form accountability is a fiction.

Should we wait for the public proceedings of impeachment the French? The Constitution has provided the High Court. Until 2007, the head of state could be translated for high treason. In 2002, President Chirac met the aptly named Committee April which proposes replacing the term " treason" by " breach of duty manifestly incompatible with the exercise of its mandate " . Undoubtedly, Chirac knew what he was in the bar or perch . We did not make him take the haddock for a pig, the huchen for hake, grouper for a large-mouth, the mule for a Napoleon or landlocked salmon to a fish-dog. After much caught , Chirac tried it to be forgiven?

On February 23, 2007, the exit treason , welcome to failure manifestly incompatible etc.. Thank you Jacquot.

Let's dream a bit of a pilot fish Sarkozy in an experiment in this field. The National Assembly and Senate met in High Court shocked by the failure clearly inconsistent with its mandate, arraign the President of the Republic.

is possible and equally likely to locate four laptops in the stomach of a jellyfish.
photo : photogram of Jaws


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