year X opens auspiciously as editorial just published a new volume Remy Gourmont: Stories disparate followed Destroyer , it is fair and professional to describe briefly as a collective edition partly original. This is good news for fans of the bear to write , and that's good news for the Friends of Saint-Pol-Roux, who knows in what esteem the Magnificent was Remy Gourmont this crucial contemporary which finally makes it appear that the decisive role that it deserves. But what is it exactly?
"These texts Remy Gourmont, compiled by Christian & Buat Mikael Lugan - and afterwords by the latter - are common to have seen a pre-edition original newspaper or magazine, and have never been - with some exceptions - collected thereafter. The order is chronological, except for seven chapters be revealed texts of an unpublished novel - and incomplete the Destroyer. "
Suffice to say that the whole talent of the storyteller, never very away from the thinker, who is offered here in its great variety .
The word that comes into effect, it appears from the opinion of the reader, due to Christian Buat, gourmontien master and master of entoileur site dedicated to the author and do not lack postfacier resume as a sesame Artwork:
Is it necessary to say that I highly recommend reading Remy Gourmont and, among many others, this volume that it condenses thirty years of writing and the least of which qualities is to give us to read the evolution of style, the first new inspiration naturalistic tales for readers of daily papers, through the symbolist prose and poetry in high density by maldororien Destroyer?" Variety, this is indeed the word that is sure to win the reader of this collection, for these disparate stories , which borrow at all fictional genres - news, stories, translations, dialogues, miscellaneous, etc.. - or inventing, are a reflection of curiosity and genius of their author, a tireless walker in the garden lush and anarchic letters. If Remy Gourmont - poet, playwright, novelist, theorist of symbolism - among the great scholars of his time, his erudition, never, could not focus on a cultural, artistic or scientific value. Also, no one was less than this specialist amateur, and none was less dilettante. His curiosity is watching the transformation of men and times, and it places the thinker, the writer at the heart of his age. We know that suffering from a facial deformity, Remy Gourmont only occasionally left his apartment in the Rue des Saints-Peres, yet this did not look chapel haughty ivory towers on the walls of which world events are usually die. Curious about all the stories and all the news, Remy Gourmont man was not a school, and if his loyalty to the symbolism, which in 1886 procured the "aesthetic thrill" that would guide his work permanently, not never wavered, he was able to evolve, like his fellow poets, Henri de Regnier, Francis Viele-Griffin, Saint-Pol-Roux and others, is releasing tics, twitches and tics threatening sclerosis of the movement and build in factory literature end-of-century. "
We inquired where we order from the publisher: Souls Atala, who had already made good ending the year IX by sending the third operation of AMER, review graduate .
STORIES Heteroclites followed DESTROYER , texts collected by Christian Buat & Mikael Lugan Souls editions of Atala, 2009 (168 p., printed in 200 copies , 5 €).