After a period of attention extraodinaire, following the murder of Rafik Hariri, with daily news analysis of Syrian involvement, the case has more or less sunk into oblivion.
past few weeks, a series of events relayed by the news agencies have landed in the newsroom. The Western reader will however have to follow these new twists as short articles, but it is really possible to follow a certain continuity.
But despite a series of twists that turn the thing in the bazaar's most comprehensive, in recent days is a single article of Spiegel that our media have decided to relay.
1 March 2009, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) began its work .
Marwan Hamadeh said:
This court is a major turning point for Lebanon and an example for the entire region because it will demonstrate that impunity has ended.
The Lebanese judiciary has decided to release on bail the brothers Mahmoud and Ahmad Abdel Aal and the Syrian Ibrahim Jarjoura, suspected to have ignored information and misled the investigators error after the attack that claimed the life of former Prime Minister.
is sufficiently large so that our media would contrefichent. Why release just before the start of the court who are accused of having directed the investigation into the Syrian track by false testimony, false testimony, many of whom say they were bought by the "majority" in Lebanon?
Despite the subject (the release of men accused of having borne false testimony involving the four Lebanese generals and authorities Syrian, perhaps bribed by relatives of Saad Hariri), the article addresses only the Libe charges against Lebanese generals (the four generals were indicted for "premeditated murder", "attempted murder premeditation "and" terrorist acts "), and repeat the accusations against Syria (" The first two reports of the Commission of Inquiry of the UN, created two months after the murder of wealthy businessman had found "converging evidence" about the involvement of information Syrian and Lebanese and cited the names of relatives of President Bashar al-Assad. "). Charges which, at this moment, the only "evidence" known are the false testimony of three men who have just been released dramatically just before the establishment of the STL.
March 2, full insurance, Laurent Joffrin is some evidence of its :
Anyone who approached a little bit the folder Rafik Hariri know that the Syrian secret services are involved, very much or a little further in the assassination of Lebanese leader. That belief, in any case, investigators who have succeeded to solve the crime. This is the rationale for the international tribunal which has just set up in the Netherlands. In this case, as in many other criminal events in Lebanon, all roads lead to Damascus.
Next Joffrin that explicitly defines perfect as "investigation against him", Jean-Pierre Perrin him, we lay a folder full of accusation in the same issue: "An attack the Syrian .
In a very dramatic, not only Laurent Joffrin knows that after the murder Syrians are behind it without the need for an international tribunal, but Jean-Pierre Perrin said bluntly that everyone knew they were the murderers even before the attack was committed.
And there patatra, April 29, " The Special Tribunal for Lebanon orders release of four generals .
The four subjects are the general Jamil Mohamad Amin El Sayed, Ali Salah al-Din al-Hajj, Raymond Azar and Mostafa Fouad Hamdan Fehmi, the court said in a statement.
Again, it is huge, and our media have difficulty summarize the situation. There is more "Syrian track" (at least publicly known), since the four unique charged with the murder just been released. As for those who had borne false witness against them, they were released by the Justice Lebanonization late February (we shall therefore do not further the sponsors and the reason for the false testimony).
Western media are struggling to write it: there are no more accused, indicted or jailed in the Hariri case. Can you imagine a worse situation? Joffrin Laurent and Jean-Pierre Perrin are candidates to suicide by the ridiculous (unfortunately, it is a form of suicide, particularly long and painful, which can last a lifetime).
In Lebanon, Hamadeh and Saad Hariri claim to trust in international justice, and that kind of nonsense. But Robert Fisk explicit, April 30, the new propaganda of the "anti-Syrian majority" in The Independent .
Once More The A donkey clip-clopping it to the World stage after The Murder of Mr Hariri, has Been Proved a mule. [...] Barack Obama's new friendship With President Bashar al-Assad of Syria must be going great guns. [...] So Who Killed Rafiq Hariri? Until yesterday, the Lebanese, whose protests after the massacre forced the Syrian army out of Lebanon, thought they knew. And who was it who wanted, as President of the United States, to open a new door to the Syrians? President Obama. And who was it who stood next to Rafiq Hariri's son, Saad, in Beirut, three days ago, to assure him of US support? Why, Mr Obama's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, of course.
On se frotte les yeux. Selon la propagande haririenne, désormais: la Tribunal international est instrumentalisé politiquement par les États-Unis, et les États-Unis ont décidé de vendre le Liban à leurs nouveaux amis syriens. Évidemment, si vous aviez prétendu, quelques semaines earlier, that the international inquiry was politically manipulated by the Americans, you were a terrible propaganda of the Iranian-Syrian axis.
Since, of course, all alternative theories resurface.
The most spectacular are the statements Wayne Madsen on Russia Today . He claims it is a "death squad" the orders of Dick Cheney who committed the crime. It would be based on revelations to come from Seymour Hersh. The latter has denied it a few days ago, having made the statements attributed to him (which seemed yet quite clear: Hersh is not born of the last rain of the kind to tell his scoops "off" before he finished writing a book or an article). But the video and these "revelations" have already made the rounds of Internet Lebanese for example on this site Belgian Aounist movement.
Ignoring even the court's decision to release Lebanese generals, Georges Malbrunot are hot on the trail of "Islamist performers" from Saudi Arabia and Iraq (April 29). Performers who would therefore Islamist Sunni groups linked to already known in Lebanon. Despite references to Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Sunni Salafists, Malbrunot still arises the question:
What can be the instigators of this crime? Syria? Iran? The two, assisted by Hezbollah?
May 15, Syria Comment advantage of this "Islamist track" to drive the point and explain that "theory easiest " is that these Islamist groups had their own motives to assassinate Hariri and that 'they may well have acted on their own.
And during that time, Lebanon is stop over stop spies in the service Mossad. And "Tracking the Mossad" in the Hariri case is, of course, essential in Lebanon (and not, as is imagined liberation because of morbid paranoia Hezbollah).
Labévière Richard is back and publishes The Killing of Ehden and curse of Christian Arabs , in which he accused the Mossad of having organized the massacre perpetrated by the clan Frangieh Samir Geagea in 1978. Nothing to do with the Hariri case, but since Geagea is still there, that the Mossad also ...
short, It's the cure: the thesis previously supported by the West and its allies in Lebanon has (at least apparently) collapsed, and theories more or less opposite, more or less credible, sprouting like mushrooms. With parliamentary elections in June.
All these alternative theories have been carefully removed from the ears of poor citizens (because why not). It has already done a walk once, it will perhaps be careful now.
Except. Der Spiegel published an article in German announcing new "evidence" a new "track": the international inquiry holds evidence of direct culpability of Hezbollah, and refuses to make public the evidence for unknown reasons. Hezbollah denies, AFP is a telegram.
The article was republished May 23 in English and French media seized these "revelations" (the Journal of the World, tonight on LCI, offered as a daily show itself staggering) .
The commission of inquiry to shed light on the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is now directed to a track leading to the Shiite movement Hezbollah, says the German weekly Der Spiegel.
When the Figaro, it does not conditional in its title: " Hariri Assassination: The investigation accuses Hezbollah "
The main concern with this article from Der Spiegel is right able to present new evidence as a turning point in the investigation, the exact content of an article previously published by George Malbrunot in the Figaro ... August 19, 2006, entitled "The Shadow Hezbollah on the assassination of Hariri .
Not only is the track itself (Hezbollah), but how to solve the case and track down those responsible are exactly identical. We have a group of users of mobile phones, used to track the movements of Rafik Hariri, then these phones are no longer used from the day of the attack. But the error of one of its members is precisely to make a single phone call, allowing investigators to trace the entire network.
This scenario is identical to the version of Malbrunot in Le Figaro, 19 August 2006 (that would include "a close to Saad Hariri) and the version of Der Spiegel May 23, 2009.
Three years apart, the same scenario, just add the words "New Evidence", "new and explosive results" and "Intensive investigations in Lebanon are all pointing to a new conclusion" ... so that all the French media resume, including Le Figaro, Le Figaro that had already published as revelations "reliable source".
And George Malbrunot, yet continues to write to the Figaro, was unaware that his "track Hezbollah" would be warmed by the Germans when he evoked recently, the track of "performers Islamist (Sunni).
I'm not totally upset that the media here do not mention any alternative theories about the murder of Rafik Hariri. Step back and investigate before publishing anything does not hurt. Unfortunately, the sudden enthusiasm for the new "revelations" of Spiegel shows that this was not a concern back and kept our investigative journalists.