Monday, November 17, 2008

Database Design Cost Estimates

Sarkozy, self-portrait in the absence of Caesar

This Sunday, Asko and Claude JDD Sarko show as new genius benefactor of our planet. The legend (the great George gives a hug to little Nicolas) in the picture is too cute: "Among the leaders of the world's most powerful, Nicolas Sarkozy has set his style." Read the reviews of Article 11 and Andre Gunthert (note: great illustration). A

AFP seems have gone unnoticed a few days ago (13 November). Receives at the Elysee the "price of political courage" award by the International Policy Review , Sarkozy seems to have outdone themselves to parody. It becomes difficult even for Asko, write editorials reaching the level of ridicule our president himself.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy praised Thursday his foreign policy that has allowed, he said, to avoid a Russian military offensive on Tbilisi to end the war in Lebanon ", release the Bulgarian nurses in Libya and Ingrid Betancourt in the Colombian jungle.

He flayed the passage of caution by U.S. President George W. Bush in the Russian-Georgian receiving at the Elysee Palace in 2008 "award for political courage" awarded by the International Policy Review.

"When August 8, he had to leave for Moscow and Tbilisi, which has defended the rights? "asked Sarkozy.

" Is it the U.S. president who said" it is unacceptable "? Or is it that it is France that has maintained a dialogue with Mr. Putin, Mr. Medvedev and Saakashvili? , "he said on the eve of his departure for the G20 summit on financial crisis in Washington.

" I remember the call U.S. President saying the eve of our departure to Moscow: "There will not they (the Russians) want to go to Tbilisi, they are 40 km. There will not denounce. We've been with Bernard Kouchner, coincidentally, while we were there, the cease-fire was announced , "said the head of the French state.

few days after the start of military conflict between Russia and Georgia, the President of the European Union (EU) visited August 12 in Moscow and Tbilisi to negotiate a peace plan and a cease-fire agreed in the wake of the two belligerents.

Some critics, particularly among Eastern European countries EU members, felt that this plan was the pride of Russia and regretted that he did not explicitly defend the territorial integrity of Georgia.

Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili has also scratched Thursday Nicolas Sarkozy asking him a few hours before a scheduled maintenance in the afternoon on the eve of an EU-Russia summit in Nice, to "keep principles " and not to yield to the "realpolitik .

Nicolas Sarkozy has also firmly rejected criticism on other issues international.

"If did not take the risk of peace and the rights of the Lebanese to live in freedom by inviting President Bashar al-Assad, it would still be war in Lebanon ," he said to those who criticized him having invited the Syrian leader to Paris and then he went to Damascus.

" I promised during my campaign that would free the nurses (Bulgarian owned by Libya). It was France who has paid them. Do you think we can get him out of jail let alone someone with the jailers? , "said Nicolas Sarkozy to justify his trip to Tripoli in the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

At the release of Bulgarian nurses and Palestinian doctor in July 2007, some had criticized the French president of misappropriating the laurels of this success by minimizing the efforts of other EU countries.

" Is there a chance of escape if France had not made Ingrid Betancourt a central objective of its policy? No "Nicolas Sarkozy has finally dropped.

Friday, November 7, 2008

International Colour Numbering System

Everyone baba is not happy with the election of Obama. And no, I'm not saying that because some prominent French like suddenly blacks . And it's not because it would (perhaps) was worse with McCain that Obama should also generate tremendous hope.

Last June, Obama's speech before the AIPC me flabbergasted ("AIPAC cries, barks Obama"). A few days before the election, Bakchich has published two articles of particular concern on the circle closest to Obama, Rahm Emanuel and Dennis Ross: "" Rahm-bo "future dir'cab Barack Obama " and " The chief adviser to Obama is a hawk anti-Iran ". Commenting on the choice of Rahm Emanuel Alain Gresh , inquiet, préfère attendre avant de se faire une opinion.

Un participant au forum du blog de Gresh signale par ailleurs un article décrivant les liens de cette équipe avec les grandes boîtes de la finance: « Rahm Emanuel: Wall Street's man in the White house »:
Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan are also in Emanuel’s top-five career sources of campaign cash. As reported by the Center for Responsive Politics, Emanuel received more money from the securities and investment industry—$600,500 as of September 30—than did any other member of the U.S. House, and more than two presidential candidates (including Joe Biden) and the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.
Angry Arab, from November 5, said he would now focus on the "Obama bashing "
To those who supported Obama, you will be disappointed and you will remember my warning. Remember this when Obama will approve a war against an Israeli refugee camp and against a village in Lebanon, and that qualify it for self-defense. Remember me cry when Obama Death and Israelis celebrate the deaths of Arabs and Muslims. Remember this when he ordered the first bombing campaign against a remote area of Pakistan. Remember when you betray the poor the benefit of Wall Street. Remember when you betray the aspirations of blacks in favor of the white middle class is now the main concern of the Democratic Party. Remember this when Obama will not fight for his plan to reform health and he will not realize any of his promises. Remember this when it will meet his campaign promise to oppose gay marriage. Remember when you continue to put the failed U.S. occupation of Iraq on the backs of the Iraqi people themselves.
Oh, and I remember that I already mentioned Joseph Biden here (September 2007), about his willingness to resolve the Iraq war by proposing a partition plan of Iraq, thus completing the work of neo-conservatives.

A text seems summarize many of the concerns that can legitimately be following the election. This is a text published by Ralph Nader (who financed his campaign, I recall, by selling the recipe for Hummus his mother) on the day of the election: "An Open Letter to Barrack Obama, Between Hope and Reality . I give you here a translation house (the hyperlinks are my own, they are not included in the original): Dear Senator Obama

During the nearly two years of your campaign Presidential, the words "hope and change", "change and hope" were your slogan. However, there is a big difference between these objectives and your own political persona, a character who succumbs to pressure groups who do not "change" or "hope", but only maintaining a status quo in the distribution of powers.

Although more than Senator McCain, you received contributions enormous and unprecedented interest from companies, Wall Street and, more interestingly, Law Firms Business Law. Never before has a Democratic candidate was able to such supremacy over his Republican opponent. Why, outside of your unconditional support for the bailout of Wall Street 700 billion dollars, is that large companies have invested so much about Senator Obama? Is it because your service as your State Senator, U.S. Senate and during your presidential campaign (in favor of nuclear power plants to coal, drilling offshore, business subsidies - which the "1872 Mining Act " - and avoiding any major program to combat the wave of economic crimes and limit military budget Pharaonic and unnecessary, for example) have already proved that you were their rights?

To advance the change and hope, we need a president who has the personality character, courage, integrity - not the connivance, accommodation and short-sighted opportunism. Take, for example, your conversion of an eloquent defender of Palestinian rights in Chicago before you do in the Senate, a sidekick, a puppet of extremist lobby AIPAC, which supports military oppression, the occupation, blockade, confiscation and colonization of the water for years, against the Palestinian people and reduced their territories in the West Bank and Gaza. Eric Alterman has summarized several surveys in December 2007 in a number The Nation, showing the positions of AIPAC are rejected by the majority of American Jews.

You know very well that only when the government of the United States supports the movement of Israeli and Palestinian peace, which led several years ago to a detailed solution to two states (which is supported by a majority Israelis and Palestinians), there will be an opportunity for peaceful resolution of this conflict more than 60 years. Despite that you align with Proponents of the tougher line, so that in your speech infamous and humiliating to the AIPAC convention, just after your appointment by the Democratic Party, you are supporting an "undivided Jerusalem" and you are opposed to negotiations with the Hamas - the elected government in Gaza. Again, you ignored the will of the people of Israel who, in a poll of 1 March 2008 published by the respected daily Haaretz , shows that 64% of Israelis favored "direct negotiations with Hamas." Align the toughest of AIPAC, is what one of many Palestinian intellectuals who claim dialogue and peace with the Israeli people have described as "Anti-Semitism today is the persecution of Palestinian society by the Israeli state."

During your trip to Israel this summer, you've spent barely 45 minutes of your time to the Palestinians, without press conference, and no visit to a Palestinian refugee camp that could draw media attention to the brutalization of the Palestinians. Your journey has supported the cruel blockade of the Gaza Strip in defiance of international law and UN Charter. You are concerned about losses in southern Israel, where losses last year amounted to a civilian casualty for 400 Palestinian casualties in Gaza. Instead of taking a political position that would have rejected all violence and their replacement by accepting the proposal of the Arab League in 2002, which would allow a viable Palestinian state within 1967 borders in exchange for the restoration of economic and full diplomatic between Arab countries and Israel, you held the role of a poor politician, leaving the place and the Palestinians with a sense of shock and some fear (" Much shock and awe little").

David Levy, a former negotiator Israeli peace, described your trip succinctly: "There is almost a voluntary demonstration of disdain for the fact that there are two versions of the story here. This may serve as candidate, but not as President. "

commentator Palestinian-American Ali Abunimah noted Obama has not issued a single criticism of Israel," its continued construction of settlements and the wall, its dams that make life impossible for millions of Palestinians ... Even the Bush administration recently criticized Israel's use of cluster bombs against Lebanese civilians [read for more information]. But Obama defended Israel's aggression against Lebanon as an exercise of "their legitimate right to defend itself". "

In many editorials, Gideon Levy, writing in Haaretz, has strongly criticized the Israeli government's attacks against civilians in Gaza, including attacks "at the heart of crowded refugee camps ... with horrible bloodbath "in early 2008.

Israeli author and peace activist Uri Avnery described the shift from Obama to AIPAC as "breaking all records for obsequiousness and servility" adding that Obama "is ready to sacrifice the most basic American interests. After all, it is vital for the United States to reach an Israeli-Palestinian Peace, which will give him a way to win the heart of the Arab populations, from Iraq to Mark. Obama has harmed his image in the Muslim world and mortgaged his future - if he becomes president-elect, "explaining further:" What we can be certain: the statements of Obama to the IABC conference are very very bad for peace. And what is bad for peace is bad for Israel, bad for the world and bad for the Palestinian people. "

Another illustration of your lack of character is how you turned their backs on American Muslims in this country. You refused to send representatives to talk to voters at the events they organized. After visiting many churches and synagogues, you refused to visit a mosque in America alone. Even George W. Bush visited the Great Mosque in Washington DC after September 11 to express noble sentiments of tolerance to a major religious group of innocents.

Although New York Times published a long article June 24, 2008 entitled " Muslim voters detect a snub from Obama (signed Andrea Elliott), citing examples of your aversion to those Americans who come from all walks of life who serve in the armed forces who work to live the American dream. Three days earlier, the International Herald Tribune published an article by Roger Cohen titled "Why Obama scheduled to visit a mosque ." None of these comments and reports have changed your political bigotry against Muslim Americans - even if your father was a Muslim from Kenya.

Nothing perhaps better illustrates your complete lack of polique courage or even a lighter version of this character trait that your capitulation to the demands of hardline supporters of the ban for former President Jimmy Carter to speak at the Democratic National Convention. It is a tradition for former presidents, and was given prime time to Bill Clinton this year.

Here is a president who negotiated peace between Israel and Egypt, but his recent book pressing the dominant superpower to avoid Israeli Apartheid and the Palestinians to make peace was enough to sideline. Instead of an important speech to the nation by Jimmy Carter on this issue internationally, he has been relegated to a walk across the stage as a "thunderous applause" following the broadcast of a film about the work of the Carter Center after Katrina. Shame on you, Barack Obama!

But your shameful behavior has spread to other questions of American life. (Read the factual analysis by his running mate, Matt Gonzalez, on You've turned your back to the 100 million poor Americans composed of white, African American and Latino poor. Toujous you talked about helping the middle class, but have always forgotten to mention the "poor" in America.

If you were elected President, it has to be more than social climbing unprecedented response to a brilliantly ruthless campaign that talked about "change" while demonstrating a strict obedience to the concentration of power in the hands of "supremacist large companies (" corporate supremacists "). This should be: return power seized by some to everyone. This should be a White House presided over by a black man who does not turn its back on the oppressed here and elsewhere, but confronts the forces of greed, control dictatorship of workers, consumers and taxpayers, and the militarization of foreign policy. This must be a White House that transforms American politics - starting with public financing of elections (through a proactive approach) - and allowing candidates to have a small chance to be heard in debates and in the fullness of their civil rights restricted currently limited. Call it a competitive democracy.

Your presidential campaign has demonstrated again and again taken positions cowards. Some say you can not kill the hope ("Hope springs eternal"). Except when "Reality" consumes each day.

Sincerely, Ralph Nader
, November 3, 2008