The big political news of the world gives me the opportunity to finally make this post I wanted to write for a while ...
" Do not touch my houmous, warns Lebanon " says AFP:
"" What disgusts me with Israel is that they are marketing hummus as a traditional Israeli product when it Clearly it is a Lebanese product, "said Ramez Abi Nader, a member of the association."Take the test, ask a Lebanese say "what the uprising with Israel," you will not be disappointed. The Guardian is also the case fascinating. Obviously it's silly: of course the hummus is not Israeli, but he is not Lebanese-Lebanese. Rami Zurayk kindly reminds: "Drop the chauvisinism." And I give you a link to Syrian Academy of Gastronomy to complete to annoy my Lebanese friends.
When the tabbouleh, I am sorry to inform my (rare) Lebanese readers that for the French, is a kind of couscous salad without taste or flavor served warm in a tupperware . It is eaten with difficulty, on a picnic complete with a crushed tomato at the bottom of the backpack, a hard boiled egg and mayonnaise sandwich which sank off the paper-plastic. And it is absolutely impossible to share with your classmates whose mother, less concerned with nutritional balance, lined with the bag of a large package of Mars and Milky Way. For the baba
ghanouge, tells a joke in Egypt, if a woman asks her husband what he wants to eat during the season of the eggplant, it has the right to seek divorce.
Anyway, anyone knows that best hummus is neither Lebanese nor Syrian or Palestinian, "the best hummus is one of my mother." For example, for Ralph Nader, well, is that of ... guess who .
However, what is remarkable is that the Arabs pronounce "hhoumous" with an "h" expired, while the Israelis pronounce it "rrroumous" with an "r" rolled way English jota. And that's what really irritates the Lebanese. Passes though the Israelis like a flat Lebanese-Palestinian-Syrian-Egyptian, but they pronounce it "rrroumous" is the real shocker!
I come to this topic I wanted you cause for a while ...
Do you know how to recognize a journalist who is just to explain how the Islamist threat, Eurabia and dhimmitude by the Israeli ambassador in Paris, or to find inspiration after several hours of viewing Guysen TV? It's very simple, and it is not necessary to resort to a conspiracy theory too complicated. This journalist is easily recognized: it says "Rrrezbollah" (or, worse, "Rrrizbollah") and "Rrramas" instead of "Hhezbollah (" h "out) and" Hhamas "(even" h "expired). This letter is
not hard to pronounce. As explained by Father Andre Alverny ("Arabic Language" in the 1950s - from true, I copied the text message of the book):
is a very high end of the back of the throat, without friction, and it looks like the breath of the chameleon.The breath of the chameleon, so. As in "hip hip hip hooray."
short, anyone who says, "Nasrallah Hhassan Hhezbollah loves Hhoumous. If a columnist analysis: "Nasrallah's Rrrassan Rrrizbollah loves Rrroumous", now you know: it's a thurifer Zionism.
is even more silly for analysts Zionists, getting caught as easily as, moreover, all they would not dream of pronouncing "Rafiq Rrrariri. It's the same letter. At worst, they will say "Rafikariri" in one go, but not "Rrrariri. (However, Rafiq Rrrariri loved the rrroumous.)
Say "Rrrizbollah" that you betrayed the Zionist propaganda as surely as if he said "Eretz Yisrael" instead of "illegitimate regime occupying Al-Quds" in log 20 hours ...
Nothing to see, but it is pleasing to note that when talking about French Carlos Ghosn, the Lebanese do not knows that he speaks ("Carlos Guausne?). I do not know, moreover, why it transliterates "Ghosn". Because here you have the right to roll the "r" as any rrroumous eater: it's pronounced somewhere between "Rrroussoune" and "Rrressen. Personally, I find that "Carlos Roussoune, it has to face.
In fact, is what Carlos loves Roussoune hhhoumous? It turns out that yes and that he prefers is that of ... his wife (Rita Roussoune, restaurant My Lebanon "in Tokyo ).
Thereupon sahten.